


When you give to the Central Wyoming College Foundation, you can determine how the funds will be used and how you give. 各式各样的礼物 are important for the college to meet the needs of the whole student through engaging curriculum, caring faculty and staff, pioneering research projects, 安全的校园, and vibrant student services.

If you are unsure about where to direct your 礼物, please contact us. We will help you attain the impact that you desire with your 礼物.




It is easy to open a world of possibilities for CWC students today and long into the future. Explore the links below to identify the type of 礼物 that suits you.


你可以给出一个 捐赠, or spread your 礼物 into equal installments over a specified number of months. You can also set up a convenient recurring 礼物. The Foundation will deduct your specified amount each month for the period that you determine.


Write your check payable to 《乐天堂app》基础.
Please note on the check’s memo line how you want to designate your 礼物 or send us a separate note with your check to that effect. Unrestricted 礼物 provide the most flexibility to support the work of CWC.


里弗顿,WY 82501

捐赠股票, please inform the 《乐天堂app》基础 of the company stock/mutual fund you intend to transfer OR the approximate value of your 礼物 and your stock broker’s name and telephone number. Please also include your 礼物 designation. You can contact us via email at foundation@qthklwl.com or call us at 307-855-2035 or 307-855-2254.

  • Transferring Securities
    To transfer 礼物 of securities to the 《乐天堂app》基础 account, please refer to this document on Stock Transfer Instructions.
    • For tax purposes, the 礼物 date is the date of receipt in 《乐天堂app》基础’s account. Please notify us when you initiate the transfer, and we will help track the transfer.
  • Securities held as physical certificates:
    Sign the backside of the stock certificate or an irrevocable stock power transferring ownership to the Central Wyoming College Foundation
    Note:  The signature on the stock power must be guaranteed by an eligible guarantor institution, such as a commercial bank, 信托公司, securities broker-dealer, 信用合作社, or savings institution participating in a STAMP Medallion program approved by the Securities Transfer Association, 公司.
    • Send the stock certificate(s) along with a transmittal letter by certified mail to the following address:
      《乐天堂app》基础 派克大街2660号. 里弗顿,WY 82501  
      The date of the 礼物 for tax purposes will be the postmark date.

  • Transferring mutual funds
    礼物 of To transfer 礼物 of mutual funds to the 《乐天堂app》基础, provide the following transfer instructions to your broker:
    • For tax purposes, the 礼物 date is the date of receipt in 《乐天堂app》基础’s account. Please notify us when you initiate the transfer, and we will help track the transfer.

  • Transferring Government Bonds:
    To transfer government bonds to the 《乐天堂app》基础’s account, provide the following instructions to your broker:
    • The date of the 礼物 for tax purposes is the date of receipt in 《乐天堂app》基础’s account. Please notify us as soon as the transfer is initiated and we can help track the transfer.

An endowment is a 礼物 that holds its principle in perpetuity and is invested to provide income for a specific purpose. 捐赠基金 play an integral role in helping Central Wyoming College achieve its goals.

Donors can contribute any amount to the Central Wyoming College Foundation’s general endowment or an already established endowment fund.  The minimum required for establishing a new named endowed fund to benefit Central Wyoming College is $10,000.  

按年计算, and in agreement with its board policy, the Foundation distributes investment income from over 100 endowment funds to the college for donor-designated scholarships, student support services, 以及学术项目. Central Wyoming College Foundation uses a weighted formula for calculating payout amounts. The payout policy is calculated to smooth year-to-year variations in market performance so the college can budget more precisely with a predictable and dependable source of funding.

A donor established endowment may only be accomplished via a 礼物 agreement.  The staff will endeavor to work with donors to complete a formal 礼物 use agreement, 然而, other documents such as wills, 信托基金, beneficiary designations; 等 may also serve as the 礼物 agreement establishing an endowed 礼物.  

For more details, contact us at foundation@qthklwl.com

Matching 礼物 are a great way to double your impact. Many employers sponsor matching 礼物 programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees. Below is a partial list of companies who provide matching 礼物. Contact your employer for forms and questions.










EnCana石油 & 气体

Enterprise Rent-A-Car


ExxonMobil Corporation


First Interstate 银行



New York Life Insurance

Rocky Mountain Power/PacificCorp


U.S. 银行

Union Pacific Railroad



Mail your completed matching 礼物 form to:
里弗顿,WY 82501

If you need the Foundation’s EIN (Employer Identification Number) to complete the form, 号码是83-6009533.

电子邮件: foundation@qthklwl.com

For wire transfer information, please contact Jenna Hague at 307-855-2035 or via email at jhague@qthklwl.com

A charitable bequest is one or two sentences in your will or trust that leave to Central Wyoming College Foundation a specific item, 一笔钱, a 礼物 contingent upon certain events or a percentage of your estate to benefit Central Wyoming College.  By including a bequest to benefit CWC in your will or trust, you are ensuring that we can continue our mission for years to come. Your 礼物 also entitles your estate to an unlimited federal estate tax charitable deduction.

The following sample bequest/trust provisions will assist you and your attorney in drafting the language for your will or trust.

_______________% of my estate, OR
the sum of $_______________, OR
the real property described on the deed as _______________, OR
personal property described as _______________, OR
all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, OR
_______________% of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate 
to the Central Wyoming College Foundation. The Foundation shall hold, manage and distribute the funds in accordance with the Gift Use Agreement* entered into between me, 学院, 及基金会.

*Optional language: “If no such agreement exists at the time of my death, then…
the funds shall be unrestricted and held and managed as a part of the permanent endowment of the Foundation. 
the funds shall be used for the highest and best purposes of 学院.
the funds shall be used for the following purpose _________________.  (Please contact the Foundation before executing your documents to ensure the intended uses can be complied with)
The Foundation’s Tax ID is:  83-6009533
For other types of planned 礼物, such as a Charitable Remainder Trust, please contact the Foundation at foundation@qthklwl.com

礼物-In-种类 are contributions of goods or services of value to Central Wyoming College, such as book collections, 艺术作品, 设备, 等. 被称为“礼物 in 种类,” these non-monetary 捐赠s constitute another important avenue of support for 学院.  To learn more about any of these non-cash 礼物 options, please contact the 《乐天堂app》基础 at foundation@qthklwl.com.

We welcome conversations about 礼物 of real property. Please contact Beth Monteiro at 307-855-2254 or monteiro@qthklwl.com to discuss this type of 礼物.

If you are 70½ years old or older, you can give up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to a qualified charity such as ours without having to pay income taxes on the money. For more information, please contact Beth Monteiro at 307-855-2254 or via email at monteiro@qthklwl.com.

If you have a donor-advised fund with Fidelity Charitable, 纽约梅隆银行, 嘉信理财慈善机构, DAF Direct enables you to recommend grants to the 《乐天堂app》基础 directly from your fund.


礼物 are used for the highest and greatest need if they are donated without specific restrictions or are administered in following with a 礼物’s designated purpose.

  • 生锈的储藏室 provides food assistance to CWC students who are experiencing hunger, which in turn affects their ability to maintain their studies.
  • 书帮助 Fund helps rent or purchase books and access codes for students who are in need.
  • International Student Scholarship provides scholarships for CWC’s international students. 
  • 紧急学生援助 provides emergency assistance to help keep students in school.
